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Tivo Roamio OTA With Samsung LN46A500 And Roku Smart Soundbar
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Post 1 made on Sunday August 2, 2020 at 16:11
Lurking Member
January 2006
I have a Tivo Roamio OTA With Samsung LN46A500 And Roku Smart Soundbar. My wife uses this mainly. She wants to see if I can configure the TiVo Roamio OTA remote control so that it adjusts the volume on the Roku Smart Soundbar.

Where do I start? Is it possible?
Post 2 made on Monday August 3, 2020 at 00:18
Elite Member
April 2002
The Tivo remote only has codes for tv's and Audio device's volume. The Roku Soundbar is too new, anyways the commands preset to the volume keys on the roku remote work with all rokus, not just the soundbar, so it not strictly an audio device commands.

When any roku sees the roku volume command it initiates a hdmi-cec signal sent over the hdmi cable to the tv its connected with.

So the tivo remote can not control the roku soundbar directly, but it can control your tv, then the tv will control the roku soundbar via hdmi-cec.
OP | Post 3 made on Monday August 3, 2020 at 10:21
Lurking Member
January 2006
I have not been able to connect the Samsung LN46A500 to the Roku Smart Soundbar, yet, but I will focus on that.

Thank you!

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