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Separate remotes for two TVs on one DirecTV receiver
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Post 1 made on Tuesday July 2, 2019 at 04:43
Lurking Member
July 2019
My setup is a single DirecTV HR54 Genie, an HDMI splitter, and two TVs (one is Vizio, the other Samsung).

My goal is to configure two RC73 remotes—both controlling the HR54 via RF, and each remote configured to control a different TV via IR.

While it’s easy to make both the remotes control the Genie, I can’t find any way to program the different TVs. The box seems to assume a single TV, and it always programs both remotes to control the same TV.

Is there a way to customize the remote programming so that each controls a different TV?

Last edited by Dawg89 on July 2, 2019 12:12.
Post 2 made on Tuesday July 2, 2019 at 14:50
Elite Member
April 2002
Don't program it through the receiver, just enter codes directly into the remote:

1. press and hold MUTE & SELECT for two blinks, release
2. enter 10812 for the Samsung

on the other remote:

1. press and hold MUTE & SELECT for two blinks, release
2. enter 11758 for vizio

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