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Remote not working
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Post 1 made on Friday January 22, 2010 at 17:41
Lurking Member
January 2010
I have a Sony remote RMT D240A for my RDR VX525 combo. I have installed several sets of new batteries, but have no response from the set. Anything I can do other than buy a new remote?
Post 2 made on Friday January 22, 2010 at 19:44
Select Member
August 2009
Here's a guess--- Sony equipment has command modes. The idea is that you may have more than one Sony DVD or VCR, and then both units may respond to the remote. So the RDR VX525 has three comand modes DVD1, DVD2, and DVD3. The remote has a similar setting.  If these command modes don't agree, then it won't work.

See page 22 of the manual to see how to match up the command modes.
If you don't have a manual, try
OP | Post 3 made on Friday January 22, 2010 at 19:58
Lurking Member
January 2010
Many thanks, I'll go to the manual
Post 4 made on Monday July 23, 2018 at 19:24
Lurking Member
July 2018
I have an RDR-VX555 VHS and DVD recorder. it used to work several years ago. now I put new charged rechargeable batteries in the Sony DVD RMT-D240 remote and get zero response even when pressing 1enter, 2enter or 3enter with both the TV on and set to the correct source and the RDR-VX555 turned on. to verify this I have the DVD playing the table of contents or DVD intro, but I cannot play the full video because there is no play button on the player itself. I believe the TMT-D240 is the remote that corresponds to the player, however I also have a Sony DVD RMT-D152A remote. I also entered 1enter, 2enter or 3enter with it and when I depress 2 buttons at the same time, I get no response, but when I press just one button or when there is a lag time between pressing the buttons, the screen on the RDR-VX555 reads DVD3.
I believe there are no universal remotes that will work with the RDR-VX555, as I recall from the manual. I either need to buy a new remote or even better, I'll get a used DVD player with a remote.
I was told the VCR to DVD dubbing will not work because of copyright protection and that the newer DVD players with full 1080p have better picture quality than older DVD players and I can pick one of those up for 20 or $30 with free shipping.

I'll also need to get a VCR in order to convert some of the rare VHS cassettes to digital for personal use with prerecorded VHS cassettes that I purchased and hope for up-convert tech to become available that will work on those lower quality VHS videos.
thanks for any replies at all,

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