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troubleshoot remote set up on Soyo MT-SYTPT3227AB
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Post 1 made on Sunday February 5, 2012 at 07:11
Lurking Member
February 2012
Have a Soyo MT-SYTPT3227AB LCD HDTV with Soyo remote model R-1823D. This remote was recently purchased and a few weeks prior, the tv main board was replaced. The make and model of the replacement board were the same as the original. Have not been able to get the Soyo remote or a OFA OARC03G to communicate with tv. Both remotes are functional per digital camera test. To enable the use of a universal remote, the tv set up program offered an option disabling the default remote, while enabling universal remotes. The ability to return to use of the default remote was provided. After not having any success using the OFA remote, I attempted to go back to the use of the default remote. I was asked for a password to do so. There is no way to enter numbers manually and without a remote able to communicate with tv, it is not possible to do so. Is there a way to determine if ir receiver is working, or is there a workaround? Thanks for time and consideration - krj
P.S. This tv does have an RS-232 and USB port.

Last edited by krjandsue on February 5, 2012 10:29.
Post 2 made on Wednesday March 4, 2020 at 15:57
Lurking Member
March 2020
Did you never get any help with the solo TV and remote? I have the same issue as was given TV and remote but it doesn't work and none of the SOYO codes I have found did not work.
Dennis Babcock

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