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Looking for San Diego experienced installer
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Post 1 made on Saturday July 22, 2023 at 13:10
Active Member
May 2011
Old boss wouldn't let you program remotes and control systems? We will. This is a reason people have come to us in the past.

Previous company didn't pay you commission when you sold deals? What the heck? We do. This is a reason people have come to us in the past.

They are only giving you 20-25 hours per week? You can't live on that! We understand that you are committing to us for your livelihood. You will have 40 hours+ every week so you have an income you can count on. This is a reason people have come to us in the past.

We are looking for an EXPERIENCED technician in the San Diego area to add to our team. Are you looking for a change of scenery? Maybe you are currently installing and you want some new opportunities? This may be the place! The ideal candidate will meet the following requirements:

5+ years of industry experience in the wiring and installation of electronic systems (Voice / Data / CCTV / Audio / Video / Lighting / Security / Universal Remotes / Smart Home Products). Programming experience with URC, RTI, Savant or Lutron is a prerequisite.

Strong written and verbal skills.

Ability to develop and maintain lasting rapport with clients.

Experience with D-Tools, SmartDraw, Visio or similar programs is preferred.

You will need to be a detail oriented person that is reliable to be successful in this position.

A current and valid driver's license and transportation.

Pay rate commensurate with experience and sales abilities. Benefits include: Competitive compensation, holidays, sick leave, vacation, profit sharing, mileage reimbursement, employee discounts, etc. Background checks are a part of our hiring process.

Feel free to e-mail through our contact form or call us via the number on our site.


Seth - www (you know what to do)

Last edited by punter16 on March 6, 2024 10:39.
See our Youtube page for info about smart homes, great audio and more.

Post 2 made on Thursday August 1, 2024 at 10:40
New Member
August 2024
the capacity to establish and preserve a long-lasting rapport with clients.
@doodle games

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