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Full Time Lead Installer - Chicago Northwest Suburbs
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Post 1 made on Wednesday August 24, 2016 at 10:30
JT Babin
Long Time Member
June 2016
My company is Living Technology and we've been in business since March, 2011. I've been using sub contractors to perform all of the labor on my jobs, but I'm looking to bring it in house. I'm looking for someone with:

1. A "Can Do" attitude
2. Reliable Transportation
3. The ability to work alone
4. Lots of general construction knowledge
5. Presentable & Polite
6. 2-3 Years Experience

The pay is fair, but based upon what you can bring to the table.

Please send a resume to [email protected] or call (847)387-8107.
James Babin - System Designer (

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