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Top 10 Emerging Tech Trends
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Post 1 made on Tuesday July 17, 2012 at 12:44
The News Monster
March 1999
Top 10 Emerging Tech Trends

By Lisa Montgomery
CEDIA’s Dave Pedigo forecasts the future of the high-tech home with his list of emerging technology trends.

There’s a lot of innovative technology looming on the horizon, ready to change the way we use, live in and enjoy our homes.

The recent Consumer Electronics Association Line Show in New York, which featured a special reception co-hosted by CEDIA and Savant, showcased the biggest up-and-coming technologies trends.


According to Dave Pedigo, CEDIA senior director of technology, these are the 10 most significant emerging technology trends.

Do you agree with these trends? Are there any trends that should be added to the list?

Click here for Top 10 Emerging Tech Trends
Post 2 made on Thursday September 27, 2012 at 00:14
Lurking Member
September 2012
Hey, great post, I especially agree with the IPv6 section. It's not something the average consumer will really see, but it's impacts are huge. Because I know, since I'm a web developer, I own just by myself the access to over 10 ip's and there's just a limited amount of the current type IP's available before we run out. Probably with the introduction of IPv6, there will be less of a need to do dynamic ip's, and won't be a big deal if everyone has their own static public ip address.

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