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7 Crazy Kitchen Appliances
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Post 1 made on Saturday December 5, 2009 at 16:23
The News Monster
March 1999
7 Crazy Kitchen Appliances
By Lisa Montgomery
A few wacky appliances that actually could be helpful around the house.

Electrolux sponsors a design contest each year in hopes of discovering a few promising innovations in household appliances.

Hundreds of undergraduate and graduate industrial design students from around the globe compete by submitting their concepts to the Electrolux Design Lab.

Here are a few that caught my attention.

They may be wacky, but they’d sure be helpful around my household.

Bifoliate Wall-Mounted Dishwasher
There are two chores that I loathe: putting away the laundry and unloading the dishwasher. The Bifoliate is a wall-mounted dishwasher that lets you put dirty dishes in one compartment and use the other as a shelf for clean dishes.

iBasket Clothes Hamper
Here’s a great laundry solution, especially if your home has a lot of stairs like mine does. The iBasket stores dirty clothes and washes them automatically when the bin is full. Just hope those dirty socks make it into the basket. You can check up on the contents inside the WiFi-connected appliance via the Internet.

Click here for 7 Crazy Kitchen Appliances.
Post 2 made on Thursday August 12, 2021 at 14:19
Junior Member
July 2021
If you can’t achieve more natural light, go for good quality lighting throughout the whole kitchen. Strong overhead lights will be appreciated over workspaces, and an interesting pendant lamp hanging over the sink can add a unique feature without cluttering the space. Most of the kitchens often bring out a strong feeling of nostalgia due to their design and appearance. Even in such european style kitchens you can have the latest installments and products required for cooking that you have in the contemporary kitchen.
Post 3 made on Thursday December 29, 2022 at 15:00
Junior Member
December 2022
Wow, working with appliances for many years it was surprising to read this and find that I had no idea some of these crazy appliance existed. Thanks so much for sharing.

Much love,
Appliance Repair Waco

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