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Weaker front blaster on later URC RF stations
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Post 1 made on Sunday March 17, 2024 at 08:53
Long Time Member
April 2004
For a long time I have used an MRF100, or MRF200 in the ideal position in my set up, (point A in the iamge), with 99% sucess. I only use the front blaster.

I tried later RF boxes (250, 260, 300 and 350), and found that devices a bit further away from the MRF did not work, ones closee to did.

As a test I moved the MRF to a point I would never want it (point B in the image).
From here I got sucess with all devices.

I can only concluded that these later 'better' MRFs have a (much weaker), front blaster, but just wondered if there was anything else I might have missed ?


A is by the fireplace
B is on the small table

Last edited by kdp99 on March 17, 2024 18:35.
Post 2 made on Sunday March 17, 2024 at 13:21
Brad Humphrey
Super Member
February 2004
The front blaster is something that is rarely used by most people.
So it makes sense to me, that they would put less attention into that part of the design in future models.

It's just another example of how majority rules. You may have enjoyed this feature about the product but since most don't use it as all, it's the first thing to get marginalized to save costs.
OP | Post 3 made on Sunday March 17, 2024 at 14:11
Long Time Member
April 2004
Thanks Brad. Makes sense. I know the remote eyes that come with the MRF are designed to go on the remote sensor of the equipment. Are there similar devices with more grunt you can plug into the 3.5mm ports, that would act as a more powerful front blaster ?
Post 4 made on Sunday March 17, 2024 at 15:52
Brad Humphrey
Super Member
February 2004
Different IR emitters do put out different levels and different spread, just like any LED product.
But you are current limited on the outputs and there isn't going to be a night and day difference between different IR emitters. The blaster on the front of the URC base station is the most powerful IR output you can get with that setup.

Is there a reason you can't put the URC base station near the equipment and use the individual IR emitters on the equipment?
OP | Post 5 made on Sunday March 17, 2024 at 18:34
Long Time Member
April 2004
Thanks again, the mrf100 and 200 work fine as they are. I just wanted to get some use out of the other later MRF.
Post 6 made on Monday March 18, 2024 at 16:42
Wendell R. Breland
Long Time Member
October 2006
Xantech used to make a blaster model 390-20 that lived up to its name but it has been discontinued. I have one across the room from my equipment racks. They also made a 380-20 J-Box Infrared Blaster but it too has been discontinued.

Also make real sure that you program the remote (Signal) to use RF only, IR and RF could be a real problem for equipment because IR from the remote and IR from the RF base station could cancel each other out.
OP | Post 7 made on Tuesday March 19, 2024 at 18:11
Long Time Member
April 2004
Thanks I shall keep an eye out on Ebay for any that come up.
I am using RF+IR, (I have for ages), but changing to RF only makes no change.
It all works perfectly with the MRF100 and 200, its jusy annoying that I have these 'better' MRF units lying around, that can't be used instead.
OP | Post 8 made on Wednesday March 20, 2024 at 16:10
Long Time Member
April 2004
Seems it not the power of the better MRFs that is the issue. It looks like its the 'spread' of the blaster output. I moved them 1m back so making the angle between the baster and the problematic devices less, and all seems OK.

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