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MX-810 Macro Speed?
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Post 1 made on Sunday January 3, 2010 at 08:52
Long Time Member
December 2009
I'm getting very comfortable with the prowizard and Browser and have things working well but I would like to try to speed up the macros as much as I can. All commands are sent to a MRF-260 by RF only. I will be playing with delays and the order of commands but I'm wondering if other things can affect the speed of macro execution. For example; instructions put in by the wizard such as "Leave Power State DVD" etc. Does the remote waste time reading this command? Is there any practical purpose to leaving this line in the macro. After all, if I remove it that's still exactly what it will do, leave it alone. Or does it need this to monitor the state of that device? Even if it does use this line to monitor the state, I'm not sure it's of much practical use in my situation since all my devices use discrete on/off codes and that's all I use in my macros. What am I missing here?

The other thing I was thinking of was the length of the command itself. If I use the prowizard to setup the macros it will enter a command something like this: "Execute button: Satellite (Preamp)"
that's a fairly long command that I could easily shorten by using the browser and dragging a preprogrammed button over to the macro that only reads "Sat".
Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree but the time the remote takes to send the macro is far longer than you would suspect based on the combined delays. This leads me to believe there is time wasted by the unit actually "reading" the commands.
I'm open to other ideas that might shorten the execution time of macros.
ps, I really love this remote, the form factor is excellent and it's very easy to set it up the way I want, despite the illogical layout of the software. Once you figure out how it works, it's actually very easy to use.
Post 2 made on Sunday January 3, 2010 at 20:15
Long Time Member
July 2005
How much time are we talking about?

I would look at the power on delay for all your components under Solve Automated Activity Problems.

I don't have any inside information but I doubt that the length of the text has any bearing. It seems unlikely that this is what is in the actual remote.

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