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MSC-400 + Denon AVR2308CI - RS-232...
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Topic: | MSC-400 + Denon AVR2308CI - RS-232 Communications Not Working This thread has 1 response. Displaying all posts. |
Post 1 made on Thursday December 24, 2009 at 15:31 |
I am using URC's MSC-400 and MX-980 along with a Denon AVR2308-CI. Uisng IR everything works fine. I am now trying to convert over to RS-232. I have set up everything within CCP - created a connected device using the serial database, created smart macros, downloaded the config to the MSC-400. When I test using the FUNCS commands I get a \x00 response. I am trying to simply turn the Denon on using the ZMON command - URC tells me that the PWON does not work, which also I tested. I am also using RFID 10 in order to access ports 7 - 12. I am not sure if I am having a cable issue or a config issue.
I used the settings from the Denon RS-232 documentation (9600, 8, None, 1). I have also tried using a null modem cable. I am using the URC starter kit DB-9 male RS-232 cable.
In regards to the cable I have read some other posts suggesting that pins 1 & 5 need to be jumped. Right now my understanding is that pins 2, 3, and 5 are required straight through. SOme say pins 1 & 5 need to be jumped; other posts say otherwise. I am confused. Furthermore, if pins 1 & 5 have to be jumped, what is the best way? I though about cutting the existing cable in half, and then combined the wires corresponding to pins 1 & 5. My only problem is that I do not know which colors are associated with each PIN.
I could also be chasing down the wrong path...not sure at this time.
Any suggestions on next steps would be much appreciated.
OP | Post 2 made on Monday January 4, 2010 at 09:07 |
I fixed the problem. URC RS-232 cables are wired as null modem cables, whereas the Denon requires a straight through cable. The problem was fixed in 2 different ways. I could use the female URC RS-232 cable with a gender changer; I decided not to go this route. Instead I replaced the existing DB-9 male connector with a new one and and re-wired the pin-outs to be straight through. Works like a charm!!!!
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