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MX 3000 Hard buttons are stiff and slow
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Post 1 made on Tuesday December 15, 2009 at 16:06
Lurking Member
July 2008
About a year ago I purchased a used (old - 2004) MX-3000 from ebay. The USB was missing, but I was able to buy one from URC. At the time I couldn't afford it (new) otherwise :).

I had access to the software through the rep where I purchased my MX-850.

The customization was awesome and the remote worked great except...

The hard buttons are awfully stiff and slow to respond. I thought I could put up with it, but its a pain to even change the channel or lower the volume. My MX-850 is much softer and responsive.

Here is the question: Is my MX-3000 uniquely stiff and unresponsive or is that the case for all? I don't have the benefit of a local retailer to see a demo unit at work so I must rely on your experiences.

I want to decide whether to buy a new (hopefully improved) MX-3000 or move to something softer like the MX-850 or the MX-950 or something similar you may recommend. If the buttons were softer and more responsive, I wouldn't change the MX-3000 for anything!

Please let me know your experiences with this remote...THX

Post 2 made on Wednesday December 16, 2009 at 09:19
Super Member
April 2004
I'm in the same exact situation. Mine is older, found on ebay and works perfectly except it seems to process button presses just slow enough to be aggravating.

As usual, tech support can't admit anything and bring themselves to say "Your remote just sucks," but I think that's the case because any other MX-3000 I've tried has been great and has worked just as fast as any of their other remotes. Hate to say it, but I think we both ended up w/ a first generation lemon. I've bought about 60 electronic items now on ebay and this is the first I have ever had trouble with. Too bad I left feedback before I fully tested the item.

I was actually thinking about using it in an audio only situation and just using for source select and for favorites, something that doesn't require rapidly repeating button presses. Good luck.
OP | Post 3 made on Wednesday December 16, 2009 at 10:41
Lurking Member
July 2008
I know its agravating - try controling the volume when it lags so much. By the time the volume lowers and you let go, then its all muted!

I've never tried other MX-3000s, Are the hard buttons on the newer ones "push" or "click" buttons?

Mine is a very anoying click, and with unresponsiveness, I have to click to change channels and volume one by one, otherwise, I will definitely pass the channel or the volume I want.

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