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MRF-100 IR out to Xantech IR in?
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Post 1 made on Sunday March 30, 2008 at 18:56
Long Time Member
January 2004
Hey Folks,

I've got a Xantech connecting block and IR Receiver controlling my stuff. I have one emitter from the connecting block going to my projector via a 50' extension cable that is now sealed behind walls and ceiling.

I just got an MX-600 and MRF-100 base station (RF Remote). I am not able to reliably control the projector using the MX-600 because the MRF-100 IR blaster does not blast the PJ, and the emitter I use on the PJ is only hooked up to the Xantech (which does not receive any input from my new Remote or from the MRF-100)

Question: Can I get the MRF-100 base stations IR output to feed the connecting block, which will then feed my projector?

I need to get an emitter to output from here:

And input to here:


The MRF-100 emitters use 2.5mm not 1/8" (3.5mm)

I think my best bet is this. Get a 2-into-1 adapter for my IR IN port so I can send it signals from the existing IR receiver, and then connect the MRF-100 to the 2nd port. To do that, I need a 2.5mm male to 3.5mm male plug (or adapter). Giving my block input from 2 sources. I have no idea if that can work, but thats basically what I need.

Extra stuff I have lying around if it helps


For now, I have actually solved my problem by repositioning by MRF-100 so that instead of blasting my equipment, it is blasting my table top IR Receiver, which is connected to the Xantech block, which emits to all my equipment and projector.

Another option would have been to position the MRF-100 on/near the projector iself, where it could still bast my equipment, and use an emitter to the PJ's IR.

Anyway, if anyone has any info, especially about using the 1 IR in port on the connecting block to accept IR both from the table top receiver, and an MRF-100, let me know.


Post 2 made on Sunday March 30, 2008 at 22:51
Advanced Member
November 2005
Why not do the simple solution and ditch the IR block and hook all your emitters to the MRF basestation?

Either get 3.5mm to 2.5mm adapters, use the emitters that came with the MRF, or cut the ends off the old emitters, and splice on a 2.5mm end.
OP | Post 3 made on Monday March 31, 2008 at 11:18
Long Time Member
January 2004
We still need OEM IR remotes to work in addition to MX-600.
Post 4 made on Monday March 31, 2008 at 12:49
Surf Remote
Loyal Member
July 2001
I am not able to reliably control the projector using the MX-600 because the MRF-
100 IR blaster does not blast the PJ, and the emitter I use on the PJ is only hooked | up to the Xantech (which does not receive any input from my new Remote or from | the MRF-100)

Why doesn't the Xantech IR receiver receive any input from the MX-600?

I mentioned this in your thread on AVS, but I'm not usre why you need the MRF-100, if you're still going to use the IR repeater system (which I assume works fine)?


THX-certified video calibrator and contributing writer,
OP | Post 5 made on Monday March 31, 2008 at 13:55
Long Time Member
January 2004
The Xantech only takes input from 1 source, currently a table top IR Receiver located at the front of the room. So, unless I point my MX-600 at that receiver, Xantech isnt getting a signal. i.e. Xantech isnt getting any RF only signals, which is why I need the MRF-100 to feed the Xantech as well. I need MRF-100 because I still need RF capability. Macros are much more reliable over RF, v/s telling people to keep pointing at the IR receiver until it stops blinking.

Post 6 made on Monday March 31, 2008 at 15:18
Surf Remote
Loyal Member
July 2001
Okay, that makes sense. I didn't know whether you were using macros with any of the existing IR remotes. It's a bit late now, but your best bet would have been to use a MX-350 as a minimum, combined with an MRF-260 or 350. A little bit more expensive, but solves the emitter plug size problem as well as giving you the ability to adjust the output level of an emitter.

THX-certified video calibrator and contributing writer,
OP | Post 7 made on Monday March 31, 2008 at 16:41
Long Time Member
January 2004
I assume "adjusting the output level" comes into play when using the 2 into 1 adapter? So, is that possible, to take a Table Top IR Receivers output, as well as an Emitters output, and feed the Xantech block IR IN with both?

Post 8 made on Tuesday April 1, 2008 at 12:37
Surf Remote
Loyal Member
July 2001
Yes, that's what I meant. You could adjust the output level for the emitter that's connected to the Xantech connecting block to optimize it's performance (or maybe even to get it to work). That's not to say that it might not work fine with the MRF-100, but it give you more options. As far as connecting the two (IR receiver and MRF-100) to the Xantech, it should work as long as it's not receiving signals from both sources at the same time. Again, another limitation of the MX-600 is the inability to turn off either IR or RF as needed, so it could present a problem if the IR receiver picks up the signal as well.

THX-certified video calibrator and contributing writer,

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