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MX-810 - Missing Buttons in Browser
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Post 1 made on Tuesday January 8, 2008 at 19:24
Long Time Member
December 2003
After several changes to set up the MX-810 with the Wizard, I now need to do some fine tuning. After reading another post where "mslide" mentioned you need to load up the current wizard file in the browser, I am missing a few buttons that are on the remote but not in the browser. While in Watch TV mode, the following buttons do not work: prev ch, exit, and rec. When I go in the browser, load up my wizard file, I am missing those same buttons in the Imported Panel View for that activity.

My question is how can you create those buttons in the Imported Panel View?

Thanks again for any help provided!!

Post 2 made on Tuesday January 8, 2008 at 19:38
Long Time Member
June 2007
I am missing a few
buttons that are on the remote but not in the browser.
While in Watch TV mode, the following buttons do not
work: prev ch, exit, and rec. When I go in the browser,
load up my wizard file, I am missing those same buttons
in the Imported Panel View for that activity.

Question: Are these buttons working on the device side of the remote?

If they work there, you can drag & drop from the Browser Panel view to the MX-810 Panel view.

If they don't work then you have to learn the commands in
You win some, you loose some...
OP | Post 3 made on Tuesday January 8, 2008 at 20:05
Long Time Member
December 2003

Thanks for the response.

The buttons still do not work from the device side of the remote. When I select "DISH Network" as the device, the hard buttons I mentioned do not work. The coresponding soft buttons up top do work. I did a learn for the hard buttons from my Dish remote that was successful but did not resolve my problem.

When I press the hard buttons while on that device, there in no beep. It's got me stumped.
OP | Post 4 made on Tuesday January 8, 2008 at 21:00
Long Time Member
December 2003
Just another thought, is there any way in the browser to drag a hard button like "exit" from the hard button list on the right over to the Imported Panel View section? It doesn't look like it but I am having trouble getting the browser to correct some things I'm trying to do. For example, on the Dish Network device, I have SAT and Power listed at the top of the Imported Panel View. I want this to be Power on and Power Off.

I am a little surprised that a long used device like a Dish Network box (625) does not populate properly in the MX-810. Am I expecting too much this early? It could be that I'm still missing something obvious. Please help.

Thank you,

Post 5 made on Tuesday January 8, 2008 at 21:07
Advanced Member
October 2007
When you create a macro, it copies the device page. If you make changes to the device after the macro is created, those changes don't propagate to the activity. You must either copy them over or delete the macro and make it again.

The Imported Panel View doesn't have anything to do with the programming that ends up on the remote. If you open up the wzr file you are working on, then you can only copy IR from the import list. You can't change anything in the import list. You have to create new buttons in Tune Up > Relable or rearrange screen buttons.

Also, make sure you double click the device/activity in the Browser when you make changes. You must be inside the device or activity to copy from the import panel. The button you are copying to must have also been created in the Tune Up menu prior to copying the IR. Once you click on the button you want to copy, you must copy from the Imported Action List to the MX-810 Action List.

Last edited by dsp81 on January 8, 2008 21:16.
OP | Post 6 made on Tuesday January 8, 2008 at 21:40
Long Time Member
December 2003
Thanks for the insight dsp81. I guess it's back to the drawing board and re-do some programming. I'll let you know how it turns out. I'm still surprised the Dish Network remote did not configure the hard record, previous channel and exit buttons.

Thanks again for everyone's help, I appreciate it.

OP | Post 7 made on Tuesday January 8, 2008 at 22:24
Long Time Member
December 2003
Dsp81, thanks so much for the help. You showed me the error of my ways!! I was not double clicking the devices or activites on the right side of the browser (i should know how to use a browser by now). Once I did that, I was able to correct all of the device and activity hard buttons. I was able to delete and assign new commands into the action list. I can't believe I couldn't figure this out but I was at a stand still.

Thanks again for all your help and to the others for your input as well. I'm liking this remote better already!!!


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