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Post 4 made on Thursday December 24, 2009 at 17:21
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August 2009
First, if you have the old remote, you can learn all the buttons.

Assuming you don't have a working remote, let's try testing the NEC1, device 128 possibility.

This is just a test; if it works, I'll tell you how to assign these code permanently.

Temporarily assign setup code 0705 or 0674 to either the DVD or DVR device key. Or, if it is more convenient, assign 1561 to the Audio key. You only need to try one setup code; I've listed more than one way to do it in case you already have setup codes assigned to some of the non-TV device keys.

Make sure you have pressed the device key that has one of the above setup codes assigned to it. Then, while pointing the remote at the Soyo, press Setup briefly, then a 5 digit code. For example, if the test works, power will correspond to 00191.

Vol+ 00254
Vol- 00252
mute 00195
Ch- 00000
ch+ 00001

So, for example, assign 0674 to the DVR button.
Turn on the TV
Press DVR
Press Setup
Point the remote at the Soyo
Enter 00254

The volume should go up, if your TV is similar to the SYKIT32E1AB model.

Oh, and if you have done a 992 style device key re-assignment on the DVD/DVR/Audio keys, either use a different device key for the test or revert the assignment back to original.

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