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Post 78 made on Friday September 25, 2009 at 15:26
RC Moderator
October 2002
Gotta say its rather disturbing to me whenever I hear about someone asking to be "Convinced" about anything.

"You can invest in getting us restarted by sending an email of encouragement..."

Are you kidding me?

When an investor fell through, you gave up once already. Now your going to ask all these dealers to put their faith back in you?

When a companys future hinges on one investor I cant see how anyone would want to commit themselves to using that product.

"Moneys gone, Shut the lights off, Lets go"

3 Days later..

"Hey Someone else wants to give us some money! lets see how much longer we can keep it goin"

Granted, I never went onboard with Vnet, so I'm observing this from the outside. I just cant imagine them ever getting back the trust they build up.

Can someone site an example of a company that had a strong following, Closed its doors, got a new investor, then went on to suceed a second time? None come to mind for me.

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