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Post 21 made on Tuesday September 22, 2009 at 19:29
Active Member
December 2003
On September 22, 2009 at 17:43, 2nd rick said...
The real scoop will be on the discounts that Crestron, Lutron, Vantage, Elan/HomeLogic, Control4, etc will be offering to former vNet dealers scoop up the vNet projects that are in process or in the bid stage.

Pretty much all vendors are eager for new business under normal circumstances. This news of vNet's troubles is like blood in the water, and is sure to whip up a frenzy.

I would recommend to the dealers who sold vNet to get as much of that product as possible out of the field and onto eBay or AVS.

Ask the dealers who still have to support Phast systems in the field how much fun it is to service high-end clients with no option for replacement, repair, or support for core items.

Rick, unfortunately the way the vNet lighting product works, there's not much that can be used as a direct replacement. This could mean huge costs for the customers. It's going to be interesting to watch.
CEDIA Certified Installer and Designer. Denon CI, URC, Crestron

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