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Post 57 made on Monday June 1, 2009 at 16:16
Lurking Member
June 2009
I am planning to build one of these, however being somewhat new to antenna theory, is the orientation of the antenna critical? For example will it make a difference to mount it vertically or horizontally.

in reference to:
"I call this elitist in that the vast majority of television viewers who would benefit from this antenna simply will not be able to do so. It is either too expensive for them, needing custom one-off construction, or beyond their talents to construct. I agree,
Anyone who wants the best TV reception from an antenna that
they can build themselves is smart to build a Gray Hoverman.

Heck, I might!

But what about the other 99.99% of the OTA viewing population? How is something being given back to society by this being kept away from commercialization, and not even spoken of openly by giving direct forum references?"

It is my opinion that this is not an elitist project and even if it were who cares. The fact is the design has been released under the GPLv3 which to my understanding does not prohibit a commercial construction of the antenna. It is my understanding that one could use the design to construct and sell kits or completed antennas and it would be perfectly legitimate.
I'm not exactly sure why you think the antenna is too costly or too hard to build. Its an antenna design, you can copy builds out there or build it any other way you wish. You could probably build one from cardboard, aluminum foil, and some spare wire.

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