I appreciate the efforts. As I mentioned the RFX 6000 is on the fire place mantle 12 feet away from my TV and AV rack, I guess I just did not mention the TV part. It is an RPTV, not plasma as I have seen so many complaints. I have a 5.8 GHZ phone system, a 2.4 ghz 802.11g wireless router and an all for one universal remote with an RF base for the multi room setup until I fix this. I have 6 standard incandescent recessed lights each row of 3 is on an IR enabled Lutron dimmable light switch. My microwave is about 30 feet away but I have these issues even when it is off. To trouble shoot I have disconnected my cordless phone, wireless router and the all for one remote base. I even removed the batteries from the handsets of the phones. I do have aluminum siding and metal screens on the windows, but that does not explain what is going on in my room. Again I also stripped the mantle of all metal frame pictures and any other objects. Thanks again for any advice.