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Post 4 made on Thursday April 26, 2007 at 20:20
Pronto Guy
Long Time Member
December 2003
There is one reason why and that is the hard buttons. If it is under one device then you only have the hard buttons set up one way. To give you an idea, if you are watching a recorded program why do you need the channel up and down buttons. They just do you no good at all. If you have it setup as two devices like “receiver” and “DVR” then you can setup the up and down buttons to anything else such as skip 30 seconds or fast forward and rewind. I just like using the hard buttons for as many things as I can and setting it up as two devices opens up more possibilities.

I was thinking of the navi buttons on the Pronto. In receiver mode these buttons can be used as up, down, left, and right. Where as in DVR mode they can be used as fast forward, rewind, play and slow.

The four buttons on the bottom of the screen in receiver mode can be used as live tv, guide, thumb up, thumb down and ratio. Where as in DVR mode they can be used as Directv, list, ratio, exit or anything else. One of the buttons to the right of the navi button can be used as a toggle to jump between the two devices so they can be used together easily.

Well what do you think? I am hoping to open up some discussion so that I don’t waste my time here. I could see splitting it up into three devices such as receiver, recorder, and player.

Thanks for your help

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