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Post 7 made on Friday March 23, 2007 at 21:18
IR Expert
September 2002
On March 23, 2007 at 20:01, cowflake said...
must have been an older version of the cablecom box.

I didn't notice anything in that ccf to tell me what model or even brand of cable box it was. I did not select that ccf file based on the type of cable box. I selected it because the correct signals in that ccf matched the values I decoded from the bad signals you posted. So I'm nearly certain that ccf file contains the correct signals for your cable box.

But that leaves the question of why it didn't work.

A file for NG Pronto does not store signals in a format similar to the Pronto Hex that is used to paste and disply signals in ProntoEdit. When you paste in Pronto Hex, ProntoEditNG translates to another format. When you view the Pronto Hex, it translates back.

Those translation processes are imperfect. Possibly the signals are being destroyed by errors in the translation. After saving the pasted signals, you can reopen the dialog to see how much they were changed by translation to internal format and back. Some amount of change is normal. Post some of the changed codes and I can tell whether the change was enough to destroy the meaning.

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