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Post 1 made on Thursday March 24, 2005 at 13:36
Lurking Member
March 2005
I just bought a Neo and I am a amazed at the fact that it can't control my Philips DVP-642 DVD player.

Am I missing something? I had a choice of two codes for Philips DVD players, but neither of them worked.

Also, I think this thing is cheezy feeling and looking. I have to press the screen pretty hard to make it respond, it's light, and a lot of square corners.

I bought this as an intermediate step to buying the "pro" for about $700. I wanted to see what the quality was like.

Can my Philips remote operate my Philips DVD Player?

I have the same problem with my Motorola cable box. I had only one choice for codes with that, and it does not work. My Onkyo reciever will turn on, but not off. What's with that?

If anybody can point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.



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