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Post 6 made on Tuesday February 5, 2002 at 10:56
Ultimate Member
May 2001
How can the accidentialy release a product early?

I cannot comment directly on what Mike said, but I am sure they must have gotten a big demand for beta remotes (just from the threads at the time)
plus some retailers might have started asking for them (AVSmarts started advertising it almost as soon as the announcement
(moving from beta to production) came along. So I would assume that Mike means that conditions forced them to move into production
faster then they felt comfortable. I know I noticed pressure and that I noticed that rumors of a new remote on this site increases the demand on the
company to come out with it considerably, so I can imagine the pressure if we know it is in beta mode.

If you could point out those early discussions where
they didn't want to release XML ...

Do a search in the universal remote forum. You will notice a lot of activity before this forum was created.


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