On 05/15/03 09:02, janid1967 said...
As You've already seen, Your 'Watch TV' XML is
not the right place to put it. You should remove
that part of the XML from the 'Watch TV' XML and
create a Configurator like this:
- Add an Activity (from the main page)
- Add one Activity
- Utility
- Configurator
- Select your activity (should be 'Watch TV')
- Name the Configurator as You like (My Macic
Mode etc.)
- Save
Now You've created an empty Configurator for Your
'Watch TV' activity. You edit this Configurator
like this:
- Customize (beside Your 'Watch TV' activity at
mian page)
- Modify the xml for Customizations to this Activity.
- If You have just one configurator for Your activity,
You go right into it here (should be true in Your
case.) If You have more than one, You must select
the Configurator to modify (therefore: a appropriate
name on it is preffered when creating them)
- Remember (or save) the value of the USERCONFIGURATORID
in Your XML before You overwrite it
- Replace the whole Configurator XML code with
the MagicMode XML from vader504. Insert Your saved
- Also insert Your ID for Your device into USERDEVICEID
(If You don't know how to find it, let us know)
Hope this work
Jan Inge
Jan, thx for the help. I found the settings and ID info after a bit of searching.
Vader, the only issues I had with your setup were a few missing IR commands for my version of Replay (3060). The commercial skip command, exit, and channel guide commands needed to be learned. Once I performed that update, all was well. Thx for sharing the code.
Now to see if I can get my 768 to use the cable box to change channels....