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Post 11 made on Saturday January 15, 2005 at 12:25
The Robman
Loyal Member
August 2001
Well, the 15-2115 does have the TV/0054 code included (it's listed under Philips) but I don't think this remote supports the keymover function, but there's no harm in trying...

For example, to program EFC 178 to the TV/VCR button, you would do this...

1) Tap the TV device button.
2) Hold the SETUP (or P) button, 2 flashes
3) Type 994, 2 flashes
4) Tap the SETUP (or P) button
5) Type 178
6) Tap the TV/VCR button

If you decide to get a new remote, I would recommend either a Radio Shack 15-2116 (which costs about $30) or the One For All URC-8811 (which costs about $19).

Both of these remotes are 8 device learning remotes and both are JP1 compatible, which means if you get yourself a JP1 cable online you can re-program them from your PC to work just about any IR controlled device in the world.

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