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Post 1 made on Tuesday January 16, 2024 at 22:49
CZ Eddie
Long Time Member
March 2009
There are 100 threads about tackling RF interference.
I've already started reading some of them.
So, my thread isn't about asking how to fix RF intereference.

Instead, I want to know what sort of things would cause brand new, sudden and massive RF interference?
I've had my setup going on for several years now without any RF interference.

There is nothing new about my setup.
But tonight, I was fixing some URC code setup stuff.
And my area is going through an unusual deep freeze weather-wise.
Those are the only two anomalies.

Suddenly, my RF went all to hell.
One second I was making progress on fixing some codes.
And the next, my RF indicator light was going full blast, non-stop.

I broke out my spare MRF-350 and RFX sensor and walked around the house, plugging it into various wall outlets to check locations in the house.
Every single square inch of my house is suddenly flooded with RF.
I've never had this issue before and there is no new equipment or electronics or anything.

At ~6:59PM today it was fine.
And suddenly at ~7PM all RF hell broke loose.

I've un-powered all my computer & home theatre equipment but still had the problem.
In a day or two when it gets warmer, I'll shut off all the breakers on the power panel to test.

Edit: personal user, not a pro. This is my home setup

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