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Post 54 made on Tuesday July 20, 2021 at 19:45
Johnny Canuck
Long Time Member
January 2003
On July 20, 2021 at 19:02, goldenzrule said...
As far as URC, for years everyone bitched about dealers being the bad guys.  URC put dealers in a bad spot by claiming they could give the software out.  It was not a dealers responsibility, but URCs and never should have been passed down to a dealer.  What they have done here is nothing new for them, just just decided to screw a different base of their customers this time.

I'm going to put a different spin on this. URC at one time built itself by competing in the same space as Harmony (pre-Logitech, early Logitech days), Philips Pronto, and similar DIY, often PC programmable, universal remotes. They continued to do so through the development, marketing, and release of remotes that were part of the Complete Control lineup (MX-880, MX-980, MX-1000/3000/5000/6000 to name a few). They willingly sold these remotes to retailers who would sell them to end-users (remember BlueDo and Surf Remote for example?).

While originally supported through their own individual editors, URC subsequently transitioned the programming for all these devices from MX-Editor to CCP. It was after this point that they then changed the terms of their licensing to offload the distribution of their software to dealers.

As a dealer, you might have a legitimate gripe, but as a consumer who has owned (at various times) most of the remotes above, URC already pulled a bait and switch on us once but wiggled out of it by saying that their dealers were able to distribute the software (as both BlueDo and Surf did).

They were always in the clear on TC and MX-Home. They never directly encouraged the sale of those products to end users and never positioned the line as a DIY product. They did do that with CC and then changed their minds when it became more profitable for them to do so. That time, they essentially shifted support from URC to dealers (I didn't care, I've never needed support) but continued to allow authorized resellers to sell hardware and package it with the software. What they did this time is malicious. They secretly and without warning disabled their software meaning that the very same MX-980 that I bought from Mike at Surf years ago that is still working fine at a friend's place can no longer be edited to support the new AppleTV he may have just bought. That's a degree of high-handed and arrogant bad faith that trumps anything they've done before.

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