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Post 60 made on Monday April 16, 2018 at 13:25
Dawn Boland
Lurking Member
May 2017
Dawn Boland, VP of Customer Care here.....I thought I would
weigh in since Tech Support falls under my umbrella.

Thanks to all for the good and the not so good feedback. As far as current hold times in tech support, our goal is to answer 75% of the calls we receive within 3 minutes. As of late, we have not maintained this service level and hold times have been higher than we would like. We have recently added additional agents which means hold times should get back to normal soon.

As far as email turn times, we have a same day response policy and have been adhering to this standard. I apologize that there was a delay for some of you. This should not be the case. I have asked our Sr. Tech Support Manager to research this situation.

I view all feedback (good and bad) as a gift and take it very serious. I have been with Snap for 9 years and would love to hear from you. Please feel free to reach out to me personally at [email protected] or call me direct at 704.909.5871 to discuss any areas of concerns that you have.
Thanks for your continued support!

Last edited by Dawn Boland on April 16, 2018 13:33.

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