Thanks Daniel. I actually dragged the wife to BB a couple nights ago and she was actually open to getting rid of the armoire we have and doing a wall mount of a much large display (hehehehe). Which means i have no place to house all my gear so I'll have to relocate it to the closet and buy a MA rack on casters with fans and RSH's and a perfed door...puff puff puff, whew, getting a little excited here.
back to the displays...
So say i had a $2k budget for the display, (size = anything between 55" and 65") what is the best performance for the money? GUessing 4k is the way to go even though content is currently limited?? Who makes the best performing displays these days. Blacks are important for me
feed a dog and he will not bite you. this is the principal difference between a man and a dog. Mark Twain