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Post 43 made on Monday January 13, 2014 at 20:49
Lurking Member
January 2014
First of all, thanks everyone for your effort thus far.

I'm looking to get this working on a 2013 Sony Bravia TV. But my attempt thus far, has resulted in some hair loss and it appears that either:

1. the IP control is not enabled on my TV (I have Bravia sync enabled)
2. I'm not using the correct port. A port scan revealed the following:
Open TCP Port: 2870 daishi
Open TCP Port: 13000
Open TCP Port: 42489
Open TCP Port: 55200
Open TCP Port: 63444
3. or I'm missing something else.

@onesim, I'm definitely interested in the app, but with a web dev background, I was hoping to get a solution that would work via a web browser. Think you could help?

That said, can anyone point me in the right direction? Note: I also tried the application that @zbacsko linked to but it doesn't find my Sony TV.

I'd appreciate it, and thanks in advance!

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