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Post 23 made on Wednesday April 11, 2012 at 13:17
Long Time Member
March 2012
What is the point of forum members like... won't say who...
Well, "810" is not for nervous and less tech savvy people, others will and do enjoy it!
It is unique, together with Philips 9200, that it is in the niche that makes custom installers mad, but their consumers very satisfied. I am sorry that not everybody wants to pay for a service that can do on its own, very often much better than a professional (as we are not talking about nuclear physics here...).
And, I have to cinfirm, if you are not truly HiFi entusiast, and did not put your HT system together, than probably it is for the best to stay away of 810, but otherwise, get it and enjoy it!
Software is very complex and complicated, but that also means that it is in the same time very capable of making your imagination the limit! You can configure, add devices, remove them, learn buttons, delete them, as many times as needed, make all the macros and activities you might want... it is so powerful that I love it!

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