Barry has pretty much been the mouthpiece about the website change and today we see this new development. I've tried to stay pretty much "mute" on the subjects of the last week because I was also out of town and visiting a Pronto colleague in New York. Now I feel the need to really chime in my dollars worth of information to set records straight and confirm what transpired today.
The info is indeed rock solid. Daniel, Barry, myself, and others who have participated in Beta tests in the past received an email today confirming this direct from Dick Mol (Pronto Manager in Belgium for those who may have met him @ CEDIA).
I was also informed that there would likely be further email communication with us on or after Tuesday next week as Monday is a national holiday in Belgium.
So, everyone, a whole division inside Philips just lost their jobs. I understand your frustrations and pain and do not necessarily agree with the timing of the website change but as I've been in this position before, and I'd hope that I could catch a bit of a break.
I'm going to ask forgiveness rather than permission here...
So, can we at least, as a community cut the team a bit of a break and stop our whining and complaining (whether it is warranted or not) for at least 5 minutes or, hell, even 1 day, for a bit of respect for those friends and colleagues who did lose their jobs as part of this decision?
We will now resume our originally scheduled programming.... :-)I'm pretty sure the final decision was not made public until either yesterday or today. Therefore, having been in a similar position in the past, I strongly suspect that the entire team was working and moving forward on business at hand and the website change was part of normal operational plans when the hammer dropped.
PEPV3I also believe and it is also my strong hopes that PEP3 will be released to even the DIY'er as the beta has officially started (yes, I overstepped an NDA to mention this but I think it will be OK).
It will be a nice editor and the new slide-in panels/page overlays are nice and can be used on remotes other than the TSU9500, even if the TSU9500 never hits the field (I do not know for sure what the plans are in that area).
Parts availabilityNow, with regard to spare parts, I am pretty sure SWT here in the states will continue to have a backlog of parts not sure for how long. However, as others have said, Ebay will likely have quite a few remotes becoming available soon.
In fact, with regard to extenders, if you want 'em there are at least 10 RFX9600's for $369USD on ebay right now.
Finally Windows 8 - My opinion - Don't worry, Be Happy!!!!Now, about all the hoopla about Win 8. It is just that - hoopla...
If Peter Dewildt is reading this, I'd love his opinion as well but I am pretty confident of my viewpoint.
I still use XP as well but I can assure you as a software developer on the Windows platform that the main reason for the issues many saw on Vista and Win 7 was due to the change between a 32 bit and 64 bit processor architecture.
Those of you running 32 bit Win7 and PEP2 likely had very few issues. If there were issues, they were likely due to graphic card driver differences/interaction with .NET.
As Win 8 will
not be a 128 bit operating system (likely 64 bit), as Barry says, if PEP2 operates on Win7 64 bit, it will likely also operate on Win8 64 bit with likely ZERO issues as Microsoft works hard to maintain backward compatiblity. Also, if you have a version of .NET framework (3.5) that works on the OS, it can be installed side-by-side with a newer .NET framework revision (10.X for example once that version becomes available) by design. The main compatibility issue is with the address space for the machine (architecture of 32 vs 64 bits) so I suspect that Win8 will blow through pretty much like Y2K as PEP already runs on 64 bit OS with the PEP2 release.
Last edited by Lyndel McGee on October 30, 2010 02:44.