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Post 8 made on Friday September 24, 2010 at 08:20
Long Time Member
September 2006
My take is that simulate is just that and should not allow any "live" actions. Developing the UI is one task that requires testing for flow logic and graphics presentation and then the activities need to be tested to see that they work as designes. The latter, in my view, is not simulation because it's running live actions. Sort of like flying a plane in a simulator - you think and appear to by flying it but you really are not.

I do see the value in having the simulator fire off live commands for testing the configuration to ensure the activities are acting as designed. It saves the download time and will be more convenient.

I do hope that if/when Philips officially enables it that they provide a flag to enable/disable the TCP communication and allow true simulation with devices defined using extenders.

Just my view...

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