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Personal Information
User Name:simoneales
Location:Melbourne Australia
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About Me:Former Senior A/V tech employed by CI company from 1997 to 2012 in Melbourne Australia. Catered solely to top 1% net worth clients. Ran my own CI business for a few years prior to that and headed the CI division of a prominent HI-FI retailer for 18 months.
In 2012, I became the national and international sales manager for a tubular motor company which is a much easier and much more profitable gig. Now that i have been out of the CI industry for a few years i can't see ever going back. The work was great and some of the end results were amazing, but more than happy to leave the rest of it behind.
User Statistics
Status:Select Member
Registered:May 25, 2005
- Has been a member for 19 years, 4 months, 14 days.
Forum Posts:1,782
- An average of 1.8 posts per week.
Last Post:September 13, 2021 02:21
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