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 Files > Pronto NG > Systems > Black & White
There are 152 Black & White System PCFs.
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For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Simon Polinelli
Simon Polinelli's Australian PCF
This is a custom PCF for Australia. Have purposely gone for function over form. I have tried to put all commonly used functions into one page for ease of use. Both wife and kids can use the PCF easily but still allows full access to all commands contained within the individual remotes if needed. The file has channel logos for Australian Free to Air TV as well as Foxtel.
Updated: July 10, 2006  Size: 966kb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Chris Poppy
DCPoppy's Activity-Based High-Def PCF
Thanks to David Shaw and Daniel Tonks for design elements and John Brandt for the NFL Sunday Ticket which I tweaked and updated for 2005.
Updated: October 20, 2005  Size: 337kb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Nitro Press
Nitro Press' System Layout
System PCF with separate component-control and user-mode page groups. Includes ON and OFF macro buttons and detailed help pages with startup buttons in sequence. Complete controls for all items, VERY extensive controls for Denon 2105 and Sony 985! Created using Daniel's icons, Paul Friedlander's IR Code Generator (for the Denon stuff), and forum help - thanks, all! NOTE: All components except the PTV are RF-enabled, and nearly all component-page buttons include short delays to help avoid RFX-6000 lockups. IR-only users will want to modify these items.
Updated: November 24, 2004  Size: 284kb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Tony Prince
Tony Prince's Clear PCF
Button/text legibility was the key criteria in the design of this PCF, which was based on my previous RC5200 CCF. Another vital design criteria was the ability to alter most amp/monitor/lighting settings from within each device. Discrete codes are used throughout, as are macros to automate processes. UK folk with the SKY+ DSS/PVR may find the design/channel logos of interest. To summarise: spouse & eyesight friendly, high functionality, low in sex appeal.
Updated: March 31, 2004  Size: 1.29mb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Rainer
Rainer's Setup
This is my RU950. The buttons and backgrounds are not special, but there are other things that make this setup intresting. The Code for the Pinnacle ShowCenter 200 for example is a reimport form a Logitech Harmony, so the cursor buttons are work pretty well.
Updated: March 23, 2007  Size: 311kb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Leigh Rankin
Leigh Rankin's UK PCF
Daniel Tonks' design updated with a comprehensive UK Sky Digital TV guide.
Updated: March 31, 2004  Size: 595kb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Richard Reed
Richard Reed's PCF File
This is a 3000 file which uses lots of linking and discrete codes. I made this file to use while I build new buttons and wait for software updates to be able to do what this remote is capable of. Thanks to all for the buttons and icons I have used.
Updated: March 11, 2003  Size: 144kb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Alden Reine
Alden Reine's Custom PCF
Completely custom PCF for the TSU3000. All new bitmaps each designed specifically for their respective devices. All buttons are my own original designs.
Updated: April 06, 2003  Size: 688kb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Geert Reuvekamp
Geert's System PCF
I created this setup for my Pronto. learn function of my Pronto. It works well, the next step is creating some macros and a television station guide for Holland.
Updated: October 21, 2005  Size: 89kb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Dana Rodakis
Dana's Home Theater
Thanks to other submissions that gave me ideas and graphics. Thanks to Daniel Tonks for this site and his help layout.
Updated: April 17, 2008  Size: 370kb
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