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Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000
Submitted by:
Paul Miller
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Paul Miller's Pronto Setup
This is an update to my previous configuration, mostly for improving the usability of the Tivo and DirecTivo. The "Live TV" tab will now toggle you in and out of Live TV. I added an "Enter" button to the Menu page, in case you needed Enter while navigating (this came up today when I needed to do the Tivo 3-thumb-down+Enter combo to get the unit to restart). I also added a "Tuner" button to the DirecTivo Live TV page so you can switch tuners while watching Live TV using the dual-tuner 2.5 Tivo software. Finally, I fixed the "Now Playing" tab to work with the 2.5 Tivo software release.

Components in this system:
CD Player:Sony CDP-C715
DSS:Philips DSR6000T
DVD:Sony DVP-S3000
PTV:Philips TiVo
Receiver:Onkyo TX-DS676B
Television:Mitsubishi CS-27201
Updated:July 24, 2001
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