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You are creating a review for the Sony RM-VL900 remote control.
Your Information
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I've owned this for: (Required)
Other remotes owned:
Tip: list any other universal remote control models that you have owned.
Product Review
Product strengths:
Tip: briefly mention anything that makes this a good or potentially good remote control, regardless of your other feelings.
Product weaknesses:
Tip: briefly mention any of this remote's shortcomings, such as design flaws, software bugs, omitted features and so forth.
Main review:
Tip: now tell us, in detail, about your experience with this remote control. Consider mentioning what equipment you're controlling, how long it took to program, does it control everything as you had hoped, whether your family likes it, and so forth. (Required)
Overall Rating
Quality: (Required)
Features: (Required)
Value: (Required)
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