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There are 230 Normal System PCFs.
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For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Rick Levesque
Rick Levesque's TSU7000
Version 4.01 This is an update of my previous version. I have added a few more channel icons and XM radio icons for DirecTV. A blending of Daniel Tonks' and Lowpro's PCFs for the TSU7000. Changes include additional TV logos including logos for the SF Bay Area local stations, and a slightly different DVD category list.
Updated: July 11, 2006  Size: 4.52mb

For: Marantz RC9500
By: Adam Holt
Adam Holt's RC9500 PCF
v4.01 This activity-orientated PCF for the Marantz RC9500 is a modification of Daniel Tonks' brilliant PCF for TSU7000. This updated version includes fully customised and labelled buttons and colour system area fonts. The PCF does not use Pronto label fonts - each button is an individual customised graphic. Now includes MySky DSS (Pace PVR) as well as the old Sky Digital codes. Also included is a modified home page with slimline activity buttons and all current NZ TV channel logos/buttons and all Auckland NZ radio station logo/buttons. Complete with a unique RC9500 hard button guide.
Updated: July 10, 2006  Size: 2.77mb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Simon Polinelli
Simon Polinelli's Australian PCF
This is a custom PCF for Australia. Have purposely gone for function over form. I have tried to put all commonly used functions into one page for ease of use. Both wife and kids can use the PCF easily but still allows full access to all commands contained within the individual remotes if needed. The file has channel logos for Australian Free to Air TV as well as Foxtel.
Updated: July 10, 2006  Size: 966kb

For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Stephen R. D'Angelo
Stephen R. D'Angelo's Playroom
I made alot of this PCF with button maker and pieces of other PCFs I found here on RC. Thanks to all of the people I borrowed graphics from. I tried to make a file that was easy to see and easy to use.I renamed HOME to PUSH ME and only put one button on the system page so if the remote reboots the only thing you see is PUSH ME and that takes you to the Welcome screen. I also made sure every component supports discrete on and off. I use the far right hard button for OFF so no matter where you are its easy to turn off the system. I would appreciate any comments!
Updated: July 10, 2006  Size: 996kb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Ralph McCarron
Wolf Video's ProntoNG
v3.0 I used some of Russ's Work plus Tom Uryga's bitmap files. I then started incorporating my own files and used clipart I had. I then also shot digital pictures of my ceiling fans, outdoor bar etc. I found that most PCF files had way too many buttons and were way to cluttered, which I thought made the interface too confusing to use. The coolest thing is to be able to control my electronic vertical blinds, turn on my icicle patio lights, outdoor stainless steel bar blue fluorescent lights, kick on my projector and 92-inch screen and watch movies sitting at my bar outside watching thru my living room window. The home theatre would be nothing without the Pronto! Thanks to everyone in the forum for their help.
Updated: April 07, 2006  Size: 277kb

For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Adam Kendall
Adam Kendall's System
Activity based PCF with graphics from Daniel Tonks and others. The brushed metal style lended itself well to this Harley themed layout. Easy to modify, and easy to use. Both child and wife tested.
Updated: April 05, 2006  Size: 1.50mb

For: Marantz RC5400
By: Alien1213
Alien1213's First Configuration
A modified version of Daniel Tonks' brilliant TSU3000 configuration for a Marantz RC5400. Very Simple...
Updated: April 05, 2006  Size: 917kb

For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Ben Morehead
Big Buttons for Big Hands
No tiny buttons here, just a simple layout with primary colors.
Updated: April 05, 2006  Size: 530kb

For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Dion Hoare
Dion Hoare's UK System
Modified from several downloads. Includes the following...
Updated: April 05, 2006  Size: 200kb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Juan Jose Aristy
J.J. Aristy's Layout
Daniel's TSU3000 configured to my devices with a few changes.
Updated: April 05, 2006  Size: 980kb
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