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There are 230 Normal System PCFs.
Displaying files 141 through 150 on page 15 of 24.
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For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Melinda
Melinda's OSX PCF
This clean and simple design was based mainly on "OS X" graphics, device images from "Daniel's TSU3000" together with some of my own images. System begins on the "power" page where you can turn on/off TV, home theater (DVD) & cable with one button, go the the "lighting" page or go the specific device power controls. Across each page are shortcuts to "power", "DVD", "cable", "TV", "lights", "surf" and "activities". "Surf" includes 9 pages classifying channels into favorites, nets, learn, fun, news, sports and music.
Updated: April 04, 2005  Size: 319kb

For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Michael Marciante
Michael's Lara Living Room
Complete automated system configuration with discrete power. DVD and CD changer control via pictures for movies and music CDs. TV channel logos included for Adelphia Cable. This started with Mr. Tonks' config as a base, but was customized to my system.
Updated: July 11, 2006  Size: 10.12mb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Mike Ewing
Mike Ewing's Layout
This configuration is almost completely based on the pioneering work of Mr. Tonks -- thank you. It does, however, contain a couple new twists (and, of course my devices). It includes an activites based approach for the non-initiated (grandma, babysitters) and a device based interface for others. Both interfaces can be used interchangably, and take full advantage of the hard buttons. I've tried to keep it simple by limiting each activity and each device to only one page of the key buttons, which I've found to be effective for about 99% of the collective functionality of 6+ remotes.
Updated: February 10, 2005  Size: 286kb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Mike Florence
Mike Florence's TSU3000
I have finally produced what I think is great design. Logical layout for the programmer with seperate screens for IR codes and user functions. Simply navigation for the family with the hard keys tied to most used features and bottom buttons for home and FIX buttons that toggle video and audio inputs/outputs. Nice graphics (with a little help from guistuff) that really use the full palette available.
Updated: June 24, 2005  Size: 104kb

For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Anthony Lack
Mr. Lacks' New Look
This is my second attempt at the Pronto TSU7000. Seeing as how my system has changed so much over the last couple of years, so has my ability to improve my design. This is way better than my first attempt back in 2005. I hope you enjoy!
Updated: November 06, 2007  Size: 1.32mb

For: Marantz RC9500
By: Mario Yamada
Multimedia Presentation Room
A corporate presentation room with projector and LCD TV.
Updated: November 03, 2008  Size: 295kb

For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Neil Barnett
My System Family with a Star Trek Theme
Includes Panasonic Plasma, Yamaha Amp, HDMI Switch Box, HD-DVD Player, Satellite Receiver by SKY, DVD Recorder and the almost obsolete Apple Hi-Fi.
Updated: January 02, 2010  Size: 4.30mb

For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Richard Brady
MythTV HTPC Control using iMON-Pad
This is my PFC file for everyday control of a MythTV system. It contains a full implementation of the Soundgraph iMON-Pad controller which is bundled with many Silverstore HTPC cases. It does not implement the full analog pad controls, Just Up, Down, Left and Right, but that should be enough unless you are using the pad for mouse controls.

This thread discusses the iMon command file creation. Thanks to all on this site who helped me during it's development. The JoyTech Trilink HDMI Switch commands are also my own.. not a great deal of effort involved in that :) . Everything else was downloaded from here. Many thanks to all you uploaders!

Updated: February 05, 2009  Size: 223kb

For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Mário Lopes
Mário Lopes' Nevo/TSU9600 Combo
I got the idea from the TSU9600, some buttons from the Nevo and made an RU990 file!
Updated: April 02, 2007  Size: 1.82mb

For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Nathan Rose
Nathan's Updated TSU7000 PCF
I've added new buttons to the config, Also added iMedian HD pages. Most of the buttons are borrowed from Joseph Francaviglia (Joe's Media Center-Based PCF - thanks Joseph) and some modified by myself.
Updated: February 04, 2009  Size: 1.01mb
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