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 Files > URC Graphical Series > Systems > Contest
There are 41 Contest Entry System Files.
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For: URC MX-3000
By: Timothy Dieffenbaugher
Contest Entry # 8: MX-Mustang
Second Place Winner!
I have tried to use the MX-3000 to the max, including almost all of the memory. I thought out of the box and brought some nice animation with me. Every image that you will see both moving and still images came from high-resolution photos.
Updated: June 17, 2005  Size: 5.62mb

For: URC MX-3000
By: Sean Flanagan
Contest Entry # 9: Cinnamon
Second Place Winner!
Cutting edge graphics with a warm, classic feel. Designed around a modular concept allowing great freedom in layout, with numerous graphical elements including backgrounds and several positional overlay panels to accent the design. Includes dedicated panels for functions such as playing media, CD disc selection, and keypad entry. Maintains a clean design with clear, legible text. Under the Goodies device are included a large number of fully rendered buttons and titlebar text for other devices, an entire suite of blank buttons (and titlebar) set up for user text, blank menu, choice of title bars with discrete or toggle power, as well as a battery bar for the main menu.
Updated: June 17, 2005  Size: 1.43mb

For: URC MX-3000
By: Andrew Fox
Contest Entry #10: Bigblue
Second Place Winner!
Bigblue is a totally original RCC file. All buttons and backgrounds were designed using the most basic of tools, ZPaint and Paint. It was designed to be used intuitively by anyone picking it up with no prior experience of unifying remote controls or the system being controlled. Where possible symbols have been used instead of words. This RCC has passed both the baby sitter and mother-in-law tests with flying colours! Lighting control is available from all pages.
Updated: June 17, 2005  Size: 351kb

For: URC MX-3000
By: Brad Griffin
Contest Entry #12: Movie Mania
Second Place Winner!
I really wanted to enter this .rcc to demonstrate to people how you can create moving animation to a degree. It's creative in mixing video with audio to try and recreate a mini-movie while a macro is being performed.
Updated: June 17, 2005  Size: 6.37mb

For: URC MX-3000
By: Peter Ademola Alukoya
Contest Entry #14: MX-Fun
What I believe makes this program unique is the ability to combine:

  • The ability to combine animated gifs (both funny and serious)
  • Sounds from well known super-stars and sounds created for travels and family members: I have a wav file (voice of Will Smith from one of his movies). The "What would you like to do" sound on the welcome screen is the voice of a lady who was sitting next to me on the train as I was travelling into New York City one morning. I wanted to use a soft female voice to welcome guests to the MX-3000. The sounds behind the Music and Guess is the voice of a family member. I wanted to create something funny.
  • Ability to create unique designs using Photoshop, ImageReady and other graphic software. The To Do background was drawn free hand in Photoshop and ImageReady.
  • Using icons of well known Cable/Satellite programs to help direct access to those channels
  • Ability to separate buttons and sections (i.e. buttons under Main section and buttons under Devices section), helping to either prevent or allow access to the buttons
  • Ability to create hidden buttons and generate macros, animated gifs and sounds within those hidden buttons (there's one hidden... (more)
  • Updated: June 17, 2005  Size: 679kb

    For: URC MX-3000
    By: Tim Charvat
    Contest Entry #15: Caddyshack
    A movie-based entry in the Universal Remote Control Inc. MX-3000 design contest.
    Updated: June 17, 2005  Size: 359kb
    Contest Entry #16: 3D Disc
    This design has a very simple concept that centralizes around an animated 3D disc that serves many different purposes in this layout. All graphics and animations are completely original, however the channel icon buttons are alterations of existing available graphics. Thanks Much!

    For: URC MX-3000
    By: Ian Duncan
    Contest Entry #17: Apple OS-mX
    I wanted to design an interface that had the look and feel of an Apple OS. It needed to be clean, sophisticated, and most of all easy for the end user.

    It is an activity based remote so the user will be "greeted" and the system will turn on with a macro. Then they will choose a source to watch, listen to, or control. All which will be done with a macro to change the Display and AV Receiver to the right input.

    What makes my design unique is over all look of the remote. The blue and silver colors of the GUI make great contrast with the physical look of the remote, and are aesthetically pleasing to the eye. The use of .PNG graphics is a great improvement on the original versions of URC software, and I utilized the alpha transparent graphics throughout the whole GUI. The ability to have smooth rounded edges is great and really looks slick when downloaded to the remote. I also included a camera device. In the case of using a Quad you can take a digital picture of what the camera is seeing, and have a macro set that picture up on the display in the room. It makes this easy for the end user and a good alternative to an expensive video capable touchscreen. Also included are some... (more)

    Updated: June 17, 2005  Size: 5.37mb

    For: URC MX-3000
    By: Kristopher D. Dye
    Contest Entry #18: Cool Water
    A lot of what makes this design unique is the time I took laying it out, from the individual pages, to the countdowns I took the time to make.
    Updated: June 17, 2005  Size: 664kb

    For: URC MX-3000
    By: Brian Farst
    Contest Entry #19: Guitarzans
    Here is my entry. I think it is unique because it isn't to fancy. It is functionally a great, and easy to use layout. The graphics are clean and easy to follow.
    Updated: June 17, 2005  Size: 543kb
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