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 Files > URC Graphical Series > Systems > Contest
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For: URC MX-3000
By: Peter Ademola Alukoya
Contest Entry #14: MX-Fun
What I believe makes this program unique is the ability to combine:

  • The ability to combine animated gifs (both funny and serious)
  • Sounds from well known super-stars and sounds created for travels and family members: I have a wav file (voice of Will Smith from one of his movies). The "What would you like to do" sound on the welcome screen is the voice of a lady who was sitting next to me on the train as I was travelling into New York City one morning. I wanted to use a soft female voice to welcome guests to the MX-3000. The sounds behind the Music and Guess is the voice of a family member. I wanted to create something funny.
  • Ability to create unique designs using Photoshop, ImageReady and other graphic software. The To Do background was drawn free hand in Photoshop and ImageReady.
  • Using icons of well known Cable/Satellite programs to help direct access to those channels
  • Ability to separate buttons and sections (i.e. buttons under Main section and buttons under Devices section), helping to either prevent or allow access to the buttons
  • Ability to create hidden buttons and generate macros, animated gifs and sounds within those hidden buttons (there's one hidden... (more)
  • Updated: June 17, 2005  Size: 679kb

    For: URC MX-3000
    By: Dave Beck
    Contest Entry # 4: Metal MX-3000
    Second Place Winner!
    Here's my entry for the MX-3000 design contest. I tried to take advantage of the animation capabilities of the remote while drawing off of the unique industrial, mechanical feel I originated in my PCF design "Perforated Metal." I wanted to make it feel as if the interface was composed of materials that would actually be used to create an RC device. Almost all of the buttons have unique static and selected states. I think there is a sense of tangible space in my design that sets it apart without making it too flashy and a directness in design which makes it clear and easy to use. I hope you enjoy using the interface as much as I did creating it.
    Updated: April 02, 2006  Size: 9.38mb

    For: URC MX-3000
    By: Noel Blackman
    Contest Entry # 5: Black & Blue
    Second Place Winner!
    This template was specifically designed to be easy to use while keeping an intuitive, easy to understand layout. The most common functions are on the main page and the template will walk you to the next step. The design can be easily reconfigured to suit just about anyone's equipment.

    It also features a battery meter on every source page with charging confirmation and shortcuts to the most commonly used pages for each device. All device pages have a direct shortcut to the source select page, this keeps almost every page only two button pushes away.

    If you have a first generation MX3000 with 32MB of memory, there should be plenty of memory space on the remote for Bracken's DMX3000 (DVD changer software) and over 400 DVD covers.

    Updated: June 17, 2005  Size: 1.66mb

    For: URC MX-3000
    By: Stephen Bond
    Contest Entry # 6: Simplified Elegance
    Second Place Winner!
    I designed this layout to provide an extremely user-friendly remote which didn’t make too many compromises in functionality. I created a series of buttons which could easily be reused in other projects. I also experimented with colors which were easy to read, and easy to distinguish. Each device has its own color palette. This allows another identifying characteristic for each component and reduces the possibility of confusion. There is also a sense of consistency and unity throughout the remote. This file also makes use of variables, offers feedback wherever possible, sound and much more.
    Updated: June 17, 2005  Size: 253kb

    For: URC MX-3000
    By: Tim Charvat
    Contest Entry #15: Caddyshack
    A movie-based entry in the Universal Remote Control Inc. MX-3000 design contest.
    Updated: June 17, 2005  Size: 359kb

    For: URC MX-3000
    By: Mark Cherry
    Contest Entry # 7: Animazing
    Second Place Winner!
    This is an activity based design that walks the user through each step of the home theater process. The welcome screen triggers a series of animations and IR commands which is intended to entertain the user as the system powers up. The power codes in this particular system are all discrete. Once the "choices" screen appears, the user simply follows the directions. I have included a short photo album as a choice to show off the resolution of this screen. Components include a TV, DVD, XM radio (complete with my original icon frames), Satellite TV and Music Choice (also original Icon frames), VCR, CD, and Lutron lighting control. Many of the buttons will become animated when pressed. All buttons and animations are original with the exception of Beavis rocking out on the amp control page. Thanks and... Enjoy!

    Includes a "basic" version for older 32mb units.

    Updated: April 02, 2006  Size: 5.89mb
    Contest Entry #16: 3D Disc
    This design has a very simple concept that centralizes around an animated 3D disc that serves many different purposes in this layout. All graphics and animations are completely original, however the channel icon buttons are alterations of existing available graphics. Thanks Much!

    For: URC MX-3000
    By: Robbie Clark
    Contest Entry # 1: Test Patternz
    Grand Prize Winner! (Part 1 of 3)
    What makes my design unique? Well as a Crestron GUI developer, I pride myself on ‘ease-of-use’ being the foremost factor in creating a new design with ‘fun’ being a close second. I believe this entry reflects that. You will notice that all macros (TV, DVD, VCR, and OFF) are available on every page and in the same place, so there is little ‘hunting around’ when ready to turn the system on. Since all devices used have discrete or ‘anchored’ codes to turn them on or off, there is no need for an ‘ON’ button anywhere, just press the option you’d like to enjoy and the remote does the rest. This lends itself well to the already easy to use MX3000 which always has volume, channel, and other such buttons conveniently always in the same place.

    After you select a macro you will notice the two dancing fellows telling you to please stand by. This helps the customer understand that the remote is ‘busy’ and the option will soon be displayed. This page also serves people who might be using ‘line of sight’ IR directly from the MX3000…this page essentially tells you how long to hold the remote pointed at the equipment.

    Please... (more)

    Updated: April 02, 2006  Size: 1.18mb

    For: URC MX-3000
    By: Robbie Clark
    Contest Entry # 2: Star Frontier
    Grand Prize Winner! (Part 2 of 3)
    This is a cool design which emulates a popular TV program (I’ll let you guess which one, here’s a hint, ‘Something’ Trek). The transitions on this panel are fun, with transporter effects fading between device and main menu, and buttons which slide across the screen to open and close additional pages. The sounds and look and feel conjure up feelings that only a true trekkie could comprehend…you even get to shoot down Klingons if that is to your liking.

    This entry is more ‘form’ over ‘function’. I could just as well have titled it ‘Fun with Animated Gifs’. Though designed with ease-of-use in mind (oversimplified button choices, large colorful graphics) it represents more of a fun approach to controlling audio and video components. Under the advanced setup page, the code needed to enter is 911.

    Updated: June 17, 2005  Size: 2.03mb

    For: URC MX-3000
    By: Robbie Clark
    Contest Entry # 3: Bubblez
    Grand Prize Winner! (Part 3 of 3)
    This entry started out as a way to amuse my 2 year old daughter. I wanted something with plenty of colors and movement, and what do I end up with but a remote full of bubbles and fish? The transitions between pages on this one are also fun, the theme of course being 'bubbles'. There are also plenty of animated fish and underwater life. The best feature I think is the animation tied to the OFF macro (please check it out) … this is the soft of thing I just can’t do with Crestron :) It’s a simple remote, but still pretty cool (sometimes the simpler the better).

    This entry is also more ‘fun’ than ‘functional’ but does offer the same simplified level of control that I generally give to my customers. It offers fun bubble-filled transitions from page to page (again to the liking of my toddler who isn’t even allowed to play with the remote anyway). The pages are colorful with no shortage of fish, bubbles, and seaweed to grab your attention. Under the advanced setup page, the code needed to enter is 911.

    Updated: June 17, 2005  Size: 4.75mb
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