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Paramount and Dreamworks go EXCLUSIVE HD-DVD
This thread has 139 replies. Displaying posts 106 through 120.
Post 106 made on Tuesday September 4, 2007 at 00:10
Ultimate Member
May 2001
so your saying the product is an aftermarket "Cyberlink" Blu-ray drive installed on an HTPC.

no, they don't make drives, they make player SW. An HTPC created with the right specs and setup will work.

We need solutions that are usuable for even the most "Basic (infer what you will)" customer, and have it be reliable, easily servicable, and most importantly controllable.

the question was "is there a player that can decode DTS-HD MA". I don't remember that Bryan Levy would consider good for an install being in it. A piece of gear that one installer will consider the best an other will consider a piece of crap. How many swear by Prontos while others hate them? Some people like HTPCs, I am not one of them, some hate consoles I like the PS3 as a player, it is all a matter of taste. Maybe a client wants a player now that can handle DTS HD MA and then there is a solution for it, if you want to offer it.
Post 107 made on Tuesday September 4, 2007 at 06:22
Long Time Member
October 2002
They got paid for a press release that's all there is to it. There is no way in hell they really would have signed an exclusive contract to support HD DVD, for all eternity. It may have even been for the remainder of 2007. HD DVD gets a nice push comming in to 4th quarter and they get to run with it through Christmas. Come January we may see a whole different kind of press release, especially if Blu-ray still moves titles at a 2:1 margin across the 4th quarter.

Derek Trulious
Post 108 made on Tuesday September 4, 2007 at 06:59
Long Time Member
December 2004
On September 3, 2007 at 20:30, Eastside A/V said...
so your saying the product is an aftermarket "Cyberlink"
Blu-ray drive installed on an HTPC.

Your kidding right?

We need solutions that are usuable for even the most "Basic
(infer what you will)" customer, and have it be reliable,
easily servicable, and most importantly controllable.

My thoughts exactly. You must be joking. The ability to play DTS-HD MA is based on hardware. All the software in the world will not help without the right hardware.
So I will ask one last time. What player did your friend use. Please include model number.
I will not ask again.
Post 109 made on Tuesday September 4, 2007 at 18:09
Audible Solutions
Super Member
March 2004
On September 4, 2007 at 00:10, Anthony said...
no, they don't make drives, they make player SW. An HTPC
created with the right specs and setup will work.

the question was "is there a player that can decode DTS-HD
MA". I don't remember that Bryan Levy would consider good
for an install being in it. A piece of gear that one installer
will consider the best an other will consider a piece
of crap. How many swear by Prontos while others hate them?
Some people like HTPCs, I am not one of them, some hate
consoles I like the PS3 as a player, it is all a matter
of taste. Maybe a client wants a player now that can handle
DTS HD MA and then there is a solution for it, if you
want to offer it.

There is a bogus piece of logic. One can debate many things but using a HTPC for a DVD player in a consumer installation is not one of them. Sure you are welcome to use it in your home and it may get you most of the way ( illegally, but what's copyright infringement among friends ) toward a Kaleidescape and 7/8s the price. But it will in no way be as reliable as the Kaleidescape nor the Pioneer/Sony/Samsung/LG ( how ever bad Rick thinks the LG may be in terms of reliability ) Toshiba or any other consumer machine. Nor would I personally call a PS3 a solution even if it is reliable and mass marketed. For me the debate begins and ends not with some bit of software some Krell wrote for his one of suped up hard drive but when there is a real product for sale in the consumer electronics chain.

Feel free to define acceptable any way you may like. But I think most of us, no matter what we might think of a Pronto, would dare compare it to a home brew HTPC. The Pronto is a product and what ever its failings it is still a consumer product. You are now classifying a home brew HTPC as a consumer product that would be fit for sale and installation as part of a CI project? I think there will be few who will agree with you here even if your other points may be valid.

"This is a Christian Country,Charlie,founded on Christian values...when you can't put a nativiy scene in front fire house at Christmas time in Nacogdoches Township, something's gone terribly wrong"
Post 110 made on Tuesday September 4, 2007 at 22:20
Long Time Member
January 2003
I dont see anything on Cyberlinks website indicating that any of the software supports dts hd ma. Power dvd ultra does say it supports dts hd, but this is not the same thing. Am I missing something?
Post 111 made on Tuesday September 4, 2007 at 22:32
Founding Member
December 2001
On September 4, 2007 at 00:10, Anthony said...
no, they don't make drives, they make player SW. An HTPC
created with the right specs and setup will work.

Boy, you had me 'til this statement showed up.

The tide has just shited in favor of HD-DVD, the war is now officially over, someone call Sony.
"Regarding surround sound, I know musicians too well to want them behind my back."
-Walter Becker
Post 112 made on Wednesday September 5, 2007 at 19:43
Ultimate Member
May 2001
Alan: I might have been too hard on Eastside A/V maybe he did get over excited and thought it would be a product he would feel comfortable installing without looking at it, but his response (including past history on the subject) did hit a high mark on the BS meter. Let's face it, if anyone is installing the Sony, Pany, Pioneer, Toshiba or Philips they know that they can't do DYS-HD MA in the current models at this time. The PS3 is the only one that might be able to do it but to this day I don't know of such a FW being out. If I pointed out a no name brand (like the Daewoo coming that was announced) would that be something you feel comfortable installing? if it was a Japanese model, would you feel comfortable? The reality is that most installers I know tend to feel comfortable with a few manufacturers and even fewer models.

My point was that

On August 21, 2007 at 22:07, Ignorant Moron said...
What the hell are you even talking about.
Nobody can do DTS-HD MA and nobody has released a disc
with it either. But when someone does I can use the Ethernet
port on my Toshiba for a firmware upgrade that will let
me listen to it.

On August 21, 2007 at 23:55, Ignorant Moron said...
I said DTS-HD MA; as in Master Audio. Name a disc that
has it please. Or a player that has it please.

On August 22, 2007 at 00:17, Anthony said...
what format?

On August 22, 2007 at 07:43, Ignorant Moron said...
I stand corrected on discs with DTS-HD MA. It appears
Fox has released a few movies with it, noteably X-Men.
But no player can play it yet:

On August 23, 2007 at 08:59, Ignorant Moron said...
Name just one player please. Just one!

he still has not admitted he is wrong on the player front.

again if anyone got over excited on there is currently a player and thought he had the solution (without asking more questions) I apologize to them. Though correcting ignorant fools is what sites like this exist for, so that we all go home more informed when we leave and not dumber by beleiving the BS posted by ignorant morons.
Post 113 made on Wednesday September 5, 2007 at 19:46
Ultimate Member
May 2001
I dont see anything on Cyberlinks website indicating that any of the software supports dts hd ma. Power dvd ultra does say it supports dts hd, but this is not the same thing. Am I missing something?

what is DTS-HD? I know quoloqualy it is used for DTS-HD High resolution but go to DTS to find out more about it.
Post 114 made on Wednesday September 5, 2007 at 19:51
Ultimate Member
May 2001
During an interview with CED (I think it was at IFA) a Toshiba executive admitted that they paid Paramount for the change of mind. For all those that were sure it was not true and thought it was because Paramount loved not selling movies.
Post 115 made on Wednesday September 5, 2007 at 21:00
Super Member
August 2006
On September 5, 2007 at 19:43, Anthony said...
he still has not admitted he is wrong on the player front.

So there is a player....?

again if anyone got over excited on there is currently
a player and thought he had the solution (without asking
more questions) I apologize to them.

So there isn't a player....?

Someone put another check mark on the ignorant column.

I'm confused.... :/
....Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Post 116 made on Wednesday September 5, 2007 at 21:32
Long Time Member
January 2003
dts hd is a lossy codec, similar to dd plus. dts hd ma is a lossless codec similar to dolby true hd.
Post 117 made on Wednesday September 5, 2007 at 21:34
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
Today's Sony press conference was interesting. Their two examples of how much better the BD version sold of titles released in both formats included Warner's 300 and Paramount's Shooter (which is ironically one of Paramount's last BD titles). And then the next slide showed all the studio support - minus Paramount, of course. Subtle hint?
Post 118 made on Thursday September 6, 2007 at 01:25
Eastside A/V
Select Member
September 2006
On September 5, 2007 at 19:43, Anthony said...
Alan: I might have been too hard on Eastside A/V maybe
he did get over excited and thought it would be a product
he would feel comfortable installing without looking...

Not really sure where you were going with this, but for what its worth I am not the least bit offended, I do believe HD-DVD will probably win out in the mass market this holiday season based on price (and price alone), unless the Blu-ray camp matches the HD-DVD hardware prices.

If that makes me a fan great, but other then hating SONY in general (yes I'm Biased), I'd be happy to buy a Pioneer Elite or even a samsung Blu-ray player without a second thought if the price were around $200 (and this from someone who does not yet own an HD capable TV)...for me having multiple players is just fine. I will have to have an extra player for my DVD-Audio and SACD Discs anyways.
Bryan Levy
Gallery: [Link:]
Post 119 made on Thursday September 6, 2007 at 10:47
Mr. Stanley
Elite Member
January 2006
On August 28, 2007 at 23:27, Eastside A/V said...
I am becoming more and more convinced on a daily basis
that HD-DVD could become the dominant player this holiday
season. I have had 2 customers choose to upgrade/sidegrade
from the Denon DVD1730/1740, to the entry level toshiba
HDA2 in the last 3 days. They are fully aware that there
are no gaureentee's that it will become the winning format
but don't care as they are about equal on net price at
this point (when you factor in 5 free movies with the
Toshiba), and they can watch recorded HD content.

If this is any indication, as well as the fact that costco
is selling them like hotcakes, I feel like we are looking
at an HD-DVD christmas for the masses.

I would put my money on the choice being made by whateveer the hell Costco & WalMart decide to whore out this season as the final deciding factors.
"If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger."
Frank Lloyd Wright
Post 120 made on Friday September 7, 2007 at 09:51
Stealth X
Senior Member
November 2005
On September 4, 2007 at 22:32, phil said...
Boy, you had me 'til this statement showed up.

ME TOO! after reading that i fealt as though he decieved me into reading his endless ranting threads throwing arounds all kinds of specs that are now obviously just being made up as he goes along.

the player he has been ranting endlessly about is a hypothetical HTPC....??? WHAT A JOKE!

well with this recent shift in power combined with a $200 player being made available for Xmas would lead me to believe that HD-DVD is on the rise. i can well imagine someone around here will feel pretty silly if they win out in the end. have you even considered this scenario Anthony?
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