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Post 45 made on Friday April 14, 2006 at 13:52
Long Time Member
July 2005
Anyone tried this?

On April 12, 2006 at 03:20, manscreamer said...
I had the same trouble with the 880 making poor
contact with the cradle. The reason for this is
the contacts in the cradle are too flimsy. It
is very simple to fix this design flaw.

1. Remove the 4 screws under the cradle. (located
under the 4 corner pads)

2. Separate the 2 halves of the cradle using a
small flat screwdriver.

3. Locate the 3 contacts and bend them up.

4. Place a small rolled up piece of paper (about
1/8" -1/4" thick) underneith all three contacts.
Use only enough paper help lift the contacts
firmly up into the holes of the top half of the

5. Reassemble the cradle and plug it in.

That's all there is to it..........5-10 minutes
and your back in business.
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