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Your search found 4 files by Casey Luchsinger.
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URC MX Graphical Series

For: URC MX-3000
By: Casey Luchsinger
Casey Luchsinger's Design
This is a file containing completley customized layout graphics for an HTM MX-3000. It contains backgrounds, buttons, animations, battery meter, and a generic template, for design ideas.
Updated: October 02, 2004  Size: 1.65mb

For: URC MX-3000
By: Casey Luchsinger
Bitmap Collections - Casey's Backgrounds
These are background images for the URC MX-3000 duplicating the look of Runco and Loewe plasmas (the units themselves, not the remotes).
Updated: October 02, 2004  Size: 43kb

For: URC MX-3000
By: Casey Luchsinger
Design Elements - Casey's Denon Template
This is a complete system design scheme for the URC MX-3000 duplicating the look of a Denon unit (the unit itself, not the remote). It contains backgrounds, buttons, animations as well as a demo file for layout ideas.
Updated: October 02, 2004  Size: 110kb

For: URC MX-3000
By: Casey Luchsinger
Design Elements - Casey's Krell Template
This is a complete system design scheme for the URC MX-3000 duplicating the look of a Krell unit (the unit itself, not the remote) in both black and silver. It contains backgrounds, buttons, animations as well as a demo file for layout ideas.
Updated: October 02, 2004  Size: 420kb
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