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Designed for:
Philips Pronto NG TSU3000
Submitted by:
Scott Chen
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Scott Chen's Design
Designed for Usability. Main focus is to be able to spend 90% of time on a single panel per device, and to minimize clicks to navigate across devices. Uses "old school" TSU2000 tab style. Also includes some Chinese text for CDs and support for Chinese satellite TV.

Components in this system:
CD:Sony CDP-CX400
DVD 1:Panasonic DVD-XP50
DVD 2:Microsoft Xbox
DSS 1:Sony SAT-T60
DSS 2:Sony SAT-HD200
DSS 3:Mitsubishi SR-SD1
DSS 4:BNE SDV-5500
Receiver:Pioneer Elite VSX-07TX
Television:Sony KF-60XBR800
VCR:Sony SLV-N60
Updated:October 29, 2003
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