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There are 230 Normal System PCFs.
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For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Mark Smallman
Mark Smallman's S-Club PCF
This is an updated version of my TSU3000 setup. The layout itself contains only basic controls for everyday use of the components. The file also contains macros for all major components as well as discrete codes for the power section and a favourites section for Sky TV. I have borrowed a lot of buttons/elements from other peoples setups including a year 2004 calender. There is also a small photo gallery accessed by one of the hard buttons. The whole thing is based around pictures of three of the female members of the former group S Club 7!
Updated: October 29, 2003  Size: 675kb

For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Mark Duncan
Mark's Activity Based Layout with Help System
This activity-based system file was designed to make the system user friendly for anyone who wants to use it. The help menu system will walk the user through steps to correct whatever is wrong to allow the user to do what they want to. I think it's perfect for the guys with a wife that hates technology, and only wants to watch TV, a DVD or use the HTPC to surf the web...
Updated: February 07, 2006  Size: 6.70mb

For: Marantz RC5400
By: Markus Zohlen
Markus Zohlen's Comfortable PCF
There is nothing special with this system file but I like it!
Updated: April 05, 2006  Size: 388kb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Martin Murphy
Martin Murphy's RU950 Setup
A setup for the Pronto NG RU950.
Updated: July 31, 2003  Size: 96kb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Matt Bennett
Matt Bennett's First Setup
An update to David Shaw's Midnite PCF. The buttons are mostly from his PCF. I have included additional buttons for my devices, and included a bunch of DVD covers for my DVD jukebox. All devices have discrete power. I have also setup this PCF to use PIP with both my satellite and cable connections.
Updated: October 29, 2003  Size: 1.43mb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Matt Bennett
Matt Bennett's Second Setup
Building upon Daniel Tonks' graphics and overall design, with some design elements from David Shaw (a few graphics) and Jon Linville (his clean screen program is effective, as well as his pre-made DVD macros which I used for my DVD changer). I have made the PCF very user - and wife - friendly, and easy to code with a dedicated section for IR codes and macros.
Updated: February 19, 2004  Size: 1.36mb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Matt Duggan
Matt Duggan's System
A mixture of quite a few pre-existing templates, plus some new stuff. Graphics taken from Daniel Tonks' template.
Updated: June 16, 2004  Size: 218kb

For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Matt Mellor
Matt Mellor's Aussie TSU7000
In this configeration i used some of the icons from Daniel Tonks version of the 6000 and 7000 and combined so you can see through the device buttons into the background. I also have Australian FTA TV channels and radio icons for melbourne. There is a sleep section which guides you through the steps and set the timer on the reciever and tv, and a zone 2 section to activate the second set of speakers smoothly.
Updated: January 20, 2006  Size: 2.04mb

For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Matthew Zenkar
Matthew Zenkar's TSU-7500
A frameless tabbed design. Includes color PNGs with transparent layer for most of the Dish Network Stations as of 10/28/2006, however it does not include Dish Network PPV stations. This configuration is not based on "action pages," and the station logos could be better in my opinion. However I think it is an effective design for what we use it for which is mainly for viewing video rather than listening to audio. Thus, the design is video based and uses "watch" macro buttons on video source device tabs to turn the system on and off.

Since the TV is used as a monitor and my primary video source is the PVR (which uses the cursor pad for channel +/- functionality), I have used the "hard" channel +/- buttons as power/standby. Standby is only used on those devices that have discrete standby buttons, i.e., the receiver and the VCR. The chael macros for the PVR are our prime means of tuning various stations, and I have added macros (beyond the remote's default functions) for accessing common things like "Schedule" and "Recordings" for the PVR.

Updated: December 28, 2006  Size: 1.57mb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Matthias Klett
Matthias Klett's PCF
A simple design where you can switch to any device at any time.
Updated: November 04, 2004  Size: 58kb
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