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Component Configuration Files
Tandberg Videoconference System Generic
For: Philips TS-1000
By: Anthony Philippoussis
IR codes for both Tandberg Vision series and the newer Tandberg Series of VC equipment. I have also added the dial up page and one pseudo directory entry to show how I use the Pronto to simplify the internal (Tandberg) directory. The codes work well with the Vision system if it is at 3.1 firmware or above; some buttons don't work well with 3.0.
Updated: March 04, 2001  Size: 7kb
Complete System Setup Files

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Anthony Philippoussis
Anthony Philippoussis' Color Template
This CCF is meant as a template, and feal free to use any part you like. It does not contain any IR, but it does have hidden IR panels. It is meant to be on the playful side, to be easy to use for a newbie and to be easily used without looking if you are used to it. It has some semi-animation, buttons with two lines of text and a sleep page.
Updated: December 03, 2001  Size: 52kb
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