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 Files > Pronto > Devices > Sony > DVD Recorder (Details)
File Details & Download
Sony RDR-GX3
(Remote model RMT-D203P)
Designed for:
Marantz RC5000i
Submitted by:
Kevin Dawson
Show author's email address.
File Rating:
75% (2 votes)
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This is a very simple file that allows Sony owners (of mainly newer DVP and RDR series units) to remove region coding and allow all regions to be played, including most RCE disks.

Make sure the player is in standby. You will see 5 buttons on the CCF, press them in order 1 through 5, (left to right). On the RDR you will hear a beep, press those buttons in order again, job done. On other machines it will come out of standby, press 1 to 5 in sequence again and it will go back into standby. I have only used this on my RDR, so please don't come to me if it does not work, or if your machine goes belly up - THIS FILE IS USED AT YOUR OWN RISK!
Updated:May 31, 2004
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