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Your search found 7 files by Julian Smith.
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For: Pronto TSU9600
By: Julian Smith
Less is More!
The design of this system is around users who are not familure with the cinema system set-up and users good interface design and walkthroughs to ensure a new user can use the system without prior training. This files also deals with the fact that Toshiba TV's do not have any descrete codes AV input select, etc: There are useful help screens links on pages where it is required in the event the system does not do as required due to the lack of the descrete codes.

There is the added bonus of how to get TiVo to work if it is recording, which as TiVo users in the UK will know it only comes with one built in Tuner and if your TV does not have Freeview built in this system shows you how it can be configured with additional freeview box and TV and work seemlessly, again with the restraint of the Toshiba TV. The main thing is that this is designed for a less is more approach with nearly all techy stuff hidden away, so if you are after a design which is for a techy to administer there system this is not for you. If you are after a system which your wife, girlfriend, family or friends staying over can use without the need for long explainations or written instructions.

Updated: April 30, 2007  Size: 5.08mb
Sony DTT Receiver VTX-800U
For: Pronto TSU9600
By: Julian Smith
Part of a complete system XCF file.
Updated: April 30, 2007  Size: 5.08mb
Tag Mclaren Amplifier 100x5R
For: Pronto TSU9600
By: Julian Smith
Part of a complete system XCF file.
Updated: April 30, 2007  Size: 5.08mb
Tag Mclaren DVD Player DVD32R 192 PSM
For: Pronto TSU9600
By: Julian Smith
Part of a complete system XCF file.
Updated: April 30, 2007  Size: 5.08mb
Tag Mclaren Preamplifier AV32R 192
For: Pronto TSU9600
By: Julian Smith
Part of a complete system XCF file.
Updated: April 30, 2007  Size: 5.08mb
Thomson Digital Video Recorder TiVo Series 1 UK
For: Pronto TSU9600
By: Julian Smith
Part of a complete system XCF file.
Updated: April 30, 2007  Size: 5.08mb
Toshiba Television 32ZP18P
For: Pronto TSU9600
By: Julian Smith
Part of a complete system XCF file.
Updated: April 30, 2007  Size: 5.08mb
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