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There are 18 Original System XCFs.
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For: Pronto TSU9600
By: Scott Grimes
Contest Entry #05: XPronto SCUBA Edition
SECOND PLACE WINNER! The following file is based on my SCUBA-themed configuration that I use for my Marantz RC9500. However, all of the graphics have been completely redone to accommodate the Pronto TSU9600 graphics capabilities (when importing the PCF file into the Pronto Professional program all the graphics became very tiny). Because the remote uses a widescreen display, I decided to base the page navigation within each device on the XBOX 360 dashboard. You navigate the tabs (or also known as ‘blades’ for those familiar with the XBOX 360) by using the page up and down buttons located to the left of the screen. The ‘blades’ themselves are currently not active (i.e., cannot be directly accessed by pressing on them), but will become so at a later date when I have more time to complete the file.

I am an avid SCUBA diver and so the background pictures are themed after this. However, with not too much difficulty, the pictures can be changed to whatever you wish.

The Home page will allow you to: 1) power the entire system down, 2) access power for all devices in the system, 2) access to lighting control and drapes, 4) the remote setup page –... (more)

Updated: April 29, 2007  Size: 26.85mb

For: Pronto TSU9600
By: Scott Grimes
XPronto SCUBA Edition
v1.3 Updates include: tabs/blades are now active, added custom sounds to suite my scuba theme. Plus many other enhancements. The following file is based on my SCUBA themed configuration that I use for my Marantz RC9500. However, all of the graphics have been completely redone to accommodate the Pronto TSU9600 graphics capabilities (when importing the pcf file into the Pronto Professional program all the graphics became very tiny). Because the remote uses a widescreen display, I decided to base the page navigation within each device on the XBOX 360 dashboard. You navigate the tabs (or also known as ‘blades’ for those familiar with the XBOX 360) by using the page up and down buttons located to the left of the screen or by tapping on the tabs themselves.

I am an avid SCUBA diver and so the background pictures are themed after this. However, with not too much difficulty, the pictures can be changed to whatever you wish with the accompanying Photoshop templates. As with my Marantz RC9500 and Pronto TSU7000 Scuba design, I have included all the original Adobe Photoshop templates for all buttons, text frames and dialog boxes so that you can easily create new ones based on this design. Please see the readme file for further information.

Updated: March 09, 2008  Size: 75.20mb

For: Pronto TSU9600
By: Richard Lass
Contest Entry #03: Drop-Down Simple
The basic concept for this configuration is to mimic drop-down menus. Any device can be accessed and controlled from any page on the remote. This method is very straight forward and universally understood by anyone who used a computer making it very easy for friends, family, or children to pick up and use with little instruction.

As the rules suggested, I focused on graphics and navigation rather than making sure it had working codes and macros everywhere. All graphics were done with Photoshop and with a couple of master PSDs, adding or changing graphical elements is very easy. I attempted to place the most commonly used commands on hard buttons to avoid using the screen as much as possible.

I had planned on using recorded voice-overs instead of text for “HELP” prompts, but ecided to skip this for now as the simulator will not play them back. I also no longer think it’s necessary, as this configuration is “Drop-Down Simple”!

Updated: April 29, 2007  Size: 2.06mb

For: Pronto TSU9400
By: Frank Lindner
Frank Lindner's TSU9400
Here is my first vision of the Philips Pronto TSU9400 remote control. The design is a combination of elements from the original Pronto Database and buttons/backgrounds created by myself. I hope you like it.
Updated: June 08, 2009  Size: 7.34mb

For: Pronto TSU9600
By: Tom Molstad
Contest Entry #01: Roger Wilco 2099
A retro, sci-fi-inspired interface featuring:

  • Eye popping, colorful 3D graphics!
  • A variety of button shapes and sizes.
  • Multi-colored background to mix things up.
  • Button templates to help maintain constant button placement.
  • Intergraded channel logo buttons.
  • Greeble and gizmos accents to help customize and make every page unique.
  • Background accents to help define logical user spaces.
  • All original Photoshop, Illustrator and Lightwave files available to customize even further.
Updated: April 29, 2007  Size: 7.24mb

For: Pronto TSU9600
By: Jim Patton
Contest Entry #12: Caribbean Map
FOURTH RUNNER UP! This .XCF is designed to be a file that would be delivered to an end user. It is all activity based with only the buttons and functions available that are required for using the system.

It controls a simple 2 zone audio system and is an actual working file. All control of the video display is performed by macros, there is no need for a receiver or TV control page as their functions are accessed by punch through commands or the macros themselves. All items not considered critical to the daily use of the system have been hidden.

It uses the serial extender and is operating both the Lutron Radio Ra system and an Escient fireball. The Escient unit is duplicated in order to allow operation in 2 different zones with different macros and volume codes for each zone. When in the Fireball interface, pressing menu takes you to a page using the standard video interface and IR commands for advanced functions such as recording, random play modes, setup, options and more as those functions are not available in the pre written interface. All power is switched on using the activity macros. The power button on the remote accesses a power... (more)

Updated: April 29, 2007  Size: 3.43mb

For: Pronto TSU9600
By: Jean-Michel Rendu
Contest Entry #06: Simplicity
My user interface is called Simplicity, and it provides easy control over environment lighting through the Pronto’s hard buttons – which are also used to provide easy channel time shifting with only three keys, Pause, Play and Stop (the DVR is not directly accessible and is only used for time shifting). The Canal Satellite layout is full of favorite channels sorted by genre. Graphics are particularly easy to understand.

Advanced macros will turn on necessary devices (plasma TV, DVD, amplifier, etc.) and turn off unused ones (DVR, etc.) whenever a video source is selected, while selecting audio will turn off video devices (DVR, etc.) and power the amplifier.

Updated: April 29, 2007  Size: 1.22mb

For: Pronto TSU9400
By: Claudio Santulli
Claudio Santulli's XCF v1.03
Version 1.03 is based on my previous 5.03 NG PCF file. Changed the layout and funtionality to fit the new TSU 9400. Added new prontoscript functions like:
  • Rotarywheel page scrolling and DVR transport.
  • Dual function script for the hard power button. (system on/of by using a long or short press)
Contains a large image library of fullscreen background images. Contains lots of new custom made buttons and modified buttons. Contains New HD digital sound format logos and Dutch Channel logos. This file is build with PEP 1.1 for now, so opening it in PEP2 will result in loss of all non database codes en macro's. It's still work in progress, but feel free the use all of it!
Updated: February 06, 2009  Size: 6.82mb
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